Friday, April 19, 2019

Save the planet?

I keep hearing environmentalists and democrats (i.e. the left in general) talk about saving the planet, but what does that really mean? And why do all their “solutions” to save the planet end up being anti-human? They don’t even try to hide their disdain for people anymore as they seek to curb the population and human activity. When they say they want to eliminate carbon emissions that would mean eliminating you and me because we all breathe out carbon. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has even questioned “Is It Still OK to Have Kids in Face of Climate Change?” Ahh yes, it begins as a “suggestion”, then later becomes a mandate. They act as if carbon is a poisonous gas, it’s not. People breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon, while plants take in carbon and give off oxygen. It’s a perfect symbiotic relationship. In reality, if we did everything they wanted we would be back living in caves and eating bugs to survive.

One of the things that really irks is their demonization of plastics. I am old enough to remember in the 1980s they had a campaign to switch from paper to plastic bags to “save the trees”. Well, they saved the trees I guess, and now they want to eliminate plastics because they are not biodegradable. Funny how all their “solutions” end up creating more problems. I especially dislike this push to replace plastic straws with paper straws. I guarantee this will not do anything except make people “feel” good about themselves, like they have actually accomplished something.

The whole thing started because of a 9 year old’s campaign to “Be Straw Free”, started in 2011 by Milo Cress. Yes, people are now taking advice from a 9 year old. In his campaign he says that Americans use more than 500 million drinking straws daily, enough to fill 125 school buses. The media has ran with this number, but it was one big estimation. In truth, no one knows how many straws Americans use daily. Even Cress didn’t know, he called straw manufacturers asking for their “estimates” and just divided it by 365. And just like magic that number has stuck and become an actual statistic.

In terms of human waste, plastic straws would probably not even register. And even if you got rid of every plastic straw in the United States, it still would not stem plastic straws from other countries or plastic consumption in general. In reality, plastics are a wonderful invention. They can be made soft or hard, clear or opaque. They can be molded to any shape and form, and can be more durable than glass. People living hundreds or thousands of years ago would have killed for something as lightweight and versatile as plastic, yet today we have taken it for granted. And guess what, plastics can also be recycled.

Back to the crux of the matter. There is a misnomer that we should be saving the planet, but in reality it is humans who need saving FROM the planet. Anyone who has spent time camping, away from civilization, with only the bare essentials will soon discover how harsh and unforgiving nature can be. Humans have built civilization and technology to help insulate us from nature. We made houses to shield us from the elements. We built air conditioners to cool us off from the scorching heat, and keep us warm during the blistering winters. Even then we are not immune to the wrath of Mother Nature. There are hurricanes, floods, droughts, tornadoes, hail storms, earthquakes, and so on. All of which take a toll on human life.

So you see, humans are really the vulnerable ones in all this. The earth has been here long before humans, and it will be here even if every human disappeared tomorrow. The planet will take care of itself, it’s humans who need saving from the leftists.