Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Problem with Globalism

Globalism is ideologically driven. The philosophy at the heart of globalism is utopianism. It is the same philosophy that drove Communists in the 20th century, and it's the same philosophy that drives globalism. There is an innate desire to return to Eden, but they are trying to do so without God and they will fail. This is why all man-made utopias are Satanic in nature.

Just from a practical standpoint, world government has the same inherit flaws as big government. The larger government gets the more it demands from its citizens, and the more freedoms it takes away for the sake of the state. The concentration of powers makes it more prone to abuse. That is why our Founding Fathers created the separation of powers. The separation of powers at the national and local level, combined with individual sovereignty, are the greatest obstacles and opposition to tyranny. With a world government there are no such checks and balances. In World War 2 a dictator like Hitler was stopped by individual nations working together. But there is no one to stop such a dictator should he arise in a world government, and this is exactly what will happen.

There is also something to be said of disunity. In the 16th century, Europe was broken up into hundreds of city states. But it was this disunity that created competition and economic growth that was unrivaled anywhere in the world. It's what drove the West to dominate the rest of the world for the last 400 years. Compare this with the single monolithic empire of China. At one point in history China was poised to dominate the world, but they closed off trade and became stagnate. And compare this with ancient Rome. The Roman empire was an inferior version of Greek civilization whose only significant invention was concrete. There was no real growth because the empire sucked up all available resources to sustain it. The fall of Rome was actually a blessing in disguise for the West.

The point being disunity is actually more beneficial to growth, progress, and prosperity than any empire, or world government. And with world government it's strength is also its greatest weakness. Everything is so interconnected that a weakness in one part adversely effects everyone else. It's like Christmas tree lights, when one light goes out they all go out. So when world government fails, everyone fails.