Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Thoughts on Donald Trump

As it looks more and more likely that Trump will be the Republican nominee, and while I think he would be a better choice than Hilliary, I do have some serious issues with him. Chief among them are:

*He's too crass. He makes personal attacks instead of debating the issues. This including using crude language and sexual innuendos.
*He doesn't have any plans. He says a lot what he's going to do, but doesn't even have a general idea how hes going to do it.
*He's big on bravado and personal insults, but little on substance.
*He's not 100% pro-Israel. He has said Israel would have to "make sacrifices".
*He's not a conservative who believes in limited government and constitutional principles, he's more of a populist\nationalist.
*He flipflops. He's changed parties 5 times. He will say something one week and the next week say something completely different the next.
*It's debatable he's even Republican. He's given money to the Clinton Foundation, he has supported democrats in the past, he was in favor of Obamacare, he supported Obama's campaign in 2008, etc.
*He supports gun control, eminent domain, and Planned Parenthood.
*He was much too slow to disavow David Duke's endorsement. I'm not saying he's racist, but that delay tells me he cared more about losing votes than distancing himself from white supremacists.
*He doesn't encourage unity. I don't place all the blame on Trump for violence at some of his campaigns, I know groups like MoveOn and BLM also share the blame. However, he hasn't exactly dissuaded violence either. He has encouraged people to knock out protesters before.
*Finally, he's not a Christian but claims to be one anyways. Nothing in his personal life indicates he's a Christian, and when asked what his favorite verse he couldn't name one. He said he doesn't like having to ask God for forgiveness from his sins. He's been called a serial adulterer. The Constitution doesn't say someone has to be Christian to be president, however I take issues with someone claiming to be one just to pander to the Evangelicals.

My observation is people are voting for Trump because they are angry, they are tired of political correctness, 8 years of Obama, and the Republican establishment that doesn't fight the democrats on anything. I can understand that, but I'm just not sure Trump is the right man for the job and I'm afraid that 4 years from now, if he is elected, we may find ourselves sorely disappointed. For what it's worth, I hope I'm wrong.