Thursday, March 19, 2015

The backwards president

In the fictions world of comic books, Bizarro is the mirror-image antagonist of Superman. Everything Superman is, Bizarro is the exact opposite. In Bizarro's world everything is backwards. Up is down, down is up. Good is evil and evil is good. In much the way in Obama is the exact opposite of every American president. Think of him as the Bizarro Reagan. In Obama's Bizarro World our friends are our enemies and our enemies are our friends. Nothing highlights this point than Obama's handling of the middle-east.

When the Arab Spring came to Egypt, Obama was first in line to throw Mubarak, a long time American ally, under the bus just so he could get his buddies the Muslim Brotherhood into power. A group whose spawned numerous terrorist organizations, and whose stated goal it is to dismantle America and turn it into a Muslim nation. He's also taken long time enemies Iran and Hezbollah off the terror threat list. You know the same Iran that took 52 American hostages for over a year and helped to kill our troops in Iraq. And the same Hezbollah that fires rockets on innocent civilians. He's turned his back on Israel, our only true friend in the middle-east. He has shown his contempt for Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and no longer tries to hide it anymore. At least in the beginning there was some pretense of cordiality. But what can we expect from a man whose first phone call after being elected in 2008 was to Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas. And whose first interview was on Arab news channel Al Arabiya. He showed us where his loyalties lie from the start.

Of course his backwardness is not just regulated to foreign policy but to every aspect to his life. And it's no wonder considering his upbringing. He didn't grow up as a typical red-blooded American. He was raised by Marxists and Communists, he spent his formative years in Muslim Indonesia. While most college kids spend their vacation on some beach in Florida or Mexico, he spent his in Pakistan. He's not American, not because of where he was born but how he was raised. He has America's power in his hands but he doesn't think like an American. And this is the danger of a backwards president.