Tuesday, January 19, 2021

2020 Election Voter Fraud Questions

 For those who don't believe there was fraud in the 2020 election, I want you to consider these questions:

1) How did Trump gain 10 million more votes than in 2016 and still lose?

2) How did Trump win House seats and lose while Biden lost House seats and won?

3) How did Biden win without winning Florida, Ohio, and Texas? These are states typically every presidential candidate needs to win.

 4) Why did the media say a water main broke in Georgia that stopped the counting on the night of the election when we now know that wasn't true?

5) Why did several states stop counting in the middle of the night, something that has never happened before, and then there was a sudden spike in Biden votes that put him ahead?

6) What was is in the crates that Ruby Freeman pulled out from under a desk in Georgia while counting was supposed to have stopped?

7) Why were Republican observers shut out on election night?

8) Why were Dominion machines not allowed to be audited?

9) Why was there so much resistance to looking into claims of voter fraud if it was in fact a fair election?

10) Why did judges refuse to even look at the evidence? 

11) Why were those who challenged election results harassed if there was nothing to hide?

12) How did Biden under-perform in every state except in strategic swing states?

13) How did Biden, who barely campaigned and has zero charisma, get more votes than even Obama? 

14) How did Biden get 13 million more votes than there are eligible voters?

15) Why did  Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia illegally allowed to change their election laws prior to the election?

16) How did Trump win 2497 counties and still lose but Biden won only 477 counties?

17) How did Biden win with only one bellwether county going for him?

Just one of these would be a curiosity, a couple would be an irregularity, but together they become highly suspect. And this only begins to scratch the surface. The thing is it doesn't matter if anyone else thinks there was fraud or not. It matters that a large portion of the electorate believes there was voter fraud and feel disenfranchised. One poll showed upwards of 77% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats believe there was voter fraud. These concerns were not addressed but instead ignored, suppressed, and swept under the rug as if nothing had happened. That represents a serious problem going forward and a lack of trust in the voting system and all those involved from the legislators to Congress. This is not a problem that will go away in time, but only grow in resentment.