Monday, April 11, 2016

Thoughts on veganism\vegetarians

You know, I don't really care what other people eat. I have a crazy idea that people should be free to eat what they want. If someone wants to eat meat or not that's up to them. I'm not interested in debating which is healthier. What I'm here to talk about is the vegans and vegetarians who want to shame anyone who eats meat.  I'm aware not all vegans/vegetarians are this way, and this is not directed toward them.What I'm talking about are the radical vegans & vegetarians who display an unearned morally superiority against anyone who doesn't eat like them. This extreme form of veganism\vegetarianism is more than a diet, it's an ideology.

The main selling point of the radically veggies is that they are more ethical by eating only vegetables. Okay, let's think about this. Ethics is defined as a set of moral principles, especially ones relating to or affirming a specified group, field, or form of conduct.  When you ascribe something as ethical, you are essentially turning it into quasi-religion. This explains the fervent attitude of treating people like heretics who don't eat like them. Second, what makes it so ethical? What holy writ are they ascribing it to besides their own opinions? By saying it's unethical to eat animals they are elevating animal life on par, and often above, human life. This is akin to pantheism.

I do believe environmentalism has led to an increase the veganism\vegetarianism, but beyond that I think people have become overly sensitive and sheltered from the realities of life. We live in a world where food is prepared behind closed doors. It's a far cry from our ancestors who had to hunt and kill their own food to survive. Nature is a violent and harsh world. It's not the rose colored view they we have today as we go home to our air conditioned houses. As a result we have become squeamish at the thought of killing our own food. If our ancestors thought that way, many of us wouldn't be here today.

As I said before, people should be free to eat what they want. Eating vegetables are fine, But there is no way vegetables alone is going to support a population of 7 billion, there is just not enough good farming land to go around.

Questions\thoughts to ponder:

If its unethical to eat animals why is it okay for animals to eat other animals?
Even if you eat only vegetables are you still not consuming something that is alive to live?
Why is it that so many who refuse to eat meat for ethical reasons have no problems with abortion?
By saying that it is unethical to eat meat they have elevated animals with humans. If animals are elevated with humans then human life is not special. If human life is not special then it is devalued.
If humans are nothing more than animals, the results is people will start treating each other like animals.
There is not enough farming land in the world to feed everyone with vegetables. In fact in order to clear land for farming it results in deforestation in some instances.
Killing in order to eat is the cycle of life. Even animals and bugs do it.
If it is unethical to eat meat then why are we not only physically capable of eating meat, but our bodies need protein to survive? Nothing beats animal protein.