Friday, May 6, 2016

Thoughts on #NeverTrump

I've always tended to believe that when faced with two undesirable candidates, it's always better to vote for the lesser of two evils. In fact I have done this on a number of occasions. But for the first time since I began voting (circa 2000), I'm inclined to sit this one out. This decision wasn't made lightly. In the beginning I sat on the fence regarding Trump, not sure what I was going to do. But the more he talked the less I liked, and his comments on abortion and tranny bathrooms was the final straw that broke the camels back. As a conservative and a Christian, there are a number of issues I have with Trump, which I have previously stated. The biggest issue for me is I'm tired, I'm tired of voting for candidates that no longer represent my values and principles. I've done it for Romney and McCain, and I just don't think I can do it again. I know what your saying, a no vote is the same as voting for Hillary. Well not quite, but perhaps not voting does, in a round about way, help the opposition. Granted, although in this case I predict Hillary will wipe the floor with him anyways. Why vote for a democrat-lite when you can have the real thing? My position is this, I'm willing to vote for the lesser of two evils two an extent, but I have my limits. When a candidate strays so far from my values and principles, it comes to a point that I cannot in good conscious vote for him. This is the reason I'm officially #NeverTrump.